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An area of increasing risk for certification schemes, their owners and users in the travel sector is  to see its efforts unrecognized and be accused of greenwashing. In Europe particularly, many cases appeared where industry players have been accused of greenwashing and had to rethink their approach. With new legislation soon reinforced and regulators aiming at the travel sector, actors need to understand what tomorrow will be made of to start the change today.  In this one hour webinar, Baptiste Carriere Pradal, Co CEO of 2BPolicy and BCG senior advisor will present:

  • A practical introduction to the EU’s Green Claims Directive, Consumer Empowerment Directive, and Unfair Commercial Practice Directive.
    • Main requirements.
    • Scope.
    • Timeline
  • A summary of recent greenwashing cases in the travel sector
  • Overview of compliance procedure, practical tips.
  • Q&A
Baptiste Carriere-Pradal

Baptiste Carriere-Pradal


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